COVID19 Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Face 2 Face Counselling
Physical safety and risk of infection
1. Reducing risk of contamination and spread before/during/after a session.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure they are fit and well enough to attend their appointment with Reflect Counselling and Psychotherapy. If you are exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19 or have reason to believe you have been in contact with someone who has the virus, then you must not attend a face to face appointment. Your temperature will be taken on arrival at, our offices. You will also be required to sanitise your hands, on arrival.
- Clients will not be given access to the building prior to their appointment time. If the client is early, we request that you stand away from the doorways and observe social distancing. Your counsellor will collect you at your appointment time, then take you to your counselling room.
- While commuting to and from the counselling room masks must be worn. Common areas such as the waiting room are out of use while Covid-19 poses a risk.
- No food or drink will be allowed to be brought into the building. We are unable to provide drinks while there is a risk of infection from Covid-19.
- Each room will be cleaned and disinfected by the counsellor between appointments. All surfaces will be wiped down with antibacterial wipes / sprayed with disinfectant, including the chairs, doors/handles tables and any other surface which may deem a risk of virus transmission. Counsellors will also ensure they sanitise their hands between sessions with clients.
- Hand sanitiser and tissues are available throughout the session for clients to use at will.
- The use of toilet facilities is limited and we encourage clients to use facilities prior to arrival. In the event that toilets need to be used, everyone who uses the toilet facilities will be asked to sanitise the door handle, toilet seat, flush area, taps and sink after use. Cleaning equipment will be provided, and the cleaning procedure will be posted in all toilet areas.
- After each client leaves, windows and doors are left open for at least 5 minutes to air the room.
2. PPE for therapist and client
- Hand sanitiser is available throughout the building.
- Tissues and hand sanitiser will be available throughout the session.
- Cleaning products and disposable gloves are available for room and toilet facilities.
- Masks will be required when client and counsellor are outside the counselling room.
- Counsellors may choose to wear a visor when working face to face with clients.
3. Session length - impact of time spent in therapy room
- There will be a minimum distance of 2 metres between counsellor and client in all counselling rooms used for face to face counselling. Counsellors may wish to wear a face visor when working with clients.
- In order to allow sufficient time to properly clean and disinfect the room before the next client, all face to face session times will reduce to 40 minutes.
- Session times will be staggered to ensure there is room to observe social distancing rules when clients are entering and exiting the building.
4. Ongoing Review
- Each party holds an obligation to be aware of and report to the other, any factors which may occur which could increase the risk of infection during the face to face sessions.
- Counsellors will include questions regarding the risk from Covid-19 in the first counselling session as part of their initial assessment with the client.
- Counsellors will ensure they are observing rules regarding preventing risk of infection whilst away from Reflect Counselling.
- Counsellors will periodically review Covid-19 risks with their clients and reserve the right to terminate counselling sessions with the client if it becomes apparent that rules regarding minimising risk of infection are not being observed by the client, outside of counselling sessions.